October 22, 2024


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What is Apple iPhone Rapid Security Response (RSR) – Explained

3 min read

Last year The Verge hinted about this and now in 2023 Apple released iPhone rapid security response update for iOS 16.4.1 (a). It is available to download on latest iPhone devices and those who own iPad or Macbook they also got the rapid security response update for iPadOS 16.4.1 and macOS 13.3.1.

So what is iPhone security response? How it is different from the iOS updates? Let’s figure out about this new quick security fix below and see how it will help?

What is security response on iPhone

iPhone rapid security response is not limited to iPhones. It is also available to other Apple devices like iPads and Macbooks.

As Apple works contentiously on iOS to provide better and optimized experience to users, so this time Apple offered rapid security response feature in their iOS which will help you and notify you to download the security updates on your devices.

So instead of downloading or waiting for new iOS update (which takes time and also big around 300MB), the iOS security response update will be the best solution as it will update your current iOS with latest security updates and takes less space.

This way your iPhone, iPad or Macbook will have the latest security updates  like improvements to the Safari web browser, the WebKit framework stack and other critical system libraries and you can safely use your devices with full confidence for a longer period.

How to Download Apple iPhone Rapid Security Response

According to Apple, these Rapid Security Response updates will be automatically applied to your iPhone, iPad, and MacBook by default. Your device will inform you to restart your device if doing so is required for the update to take effect.

Apple iPhone Rapid Security Response

Like the normal iOS update, you will get a notification which will be titled as iOS security response. You can check the downloading size and later download it on your device for free and upgrade your iPhone / iPad / Mac with latest security updates.

iOS Updates vs iOS Rapid Security Response – Difference

Now here a question comes what is difference between the regular iOS and iOS security response?

  • Well guys the difference between both the regular iOS is a full bundle package that will provide you latest security updates + additional features and some improvements overs the last update. But in iOS security response update, you will only get updates related to security.
  • Another thing the downloading size, regular iOS update have a size of around 300MB (iPhone) while iPhone security response update size will be around 100MB.
  • The biggest difference, now the for the security related issues you don’t have to wait for 1 month or 2 month. The regular iOS updates launch by Apple in gap of 1 or 2 month but in case of  security response update the time will be reduced and you don’t have to update for longer period.

Apart from that Apple denotes its regular iOS updates and its Rapid Security Response updates with a letter for each category. Following the implementation of a Rapid Security Response, a letter will show up after the software version.

Even though the notification regarding 16.4.1 (a) states that it addresses “important security fixes and is recommended for all users,” Apple has not released security notes that detail what exactly the update intends to address.

Final Words

The updates are delivered only for the latest versions of the operating systems. That begins with iOS 16.4.1, iPadOS 16.4.1 and macOS 13.3.1.  If your device isn’t currently running that, it won’t be eligible for these and you need to update your device to iPhone 13 or iPhone 14.

With this update, we can expect that the future updates of iOS will have smaller size because majority of  security related issue will be covered in the RSR!

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