February 15, 2025


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iOS Safari Asianbindermashable Bug Fixed in Latest Update

2 min read
iOS Safari Asianbindermashable

In the latest update, iOS safari asianbindermashable bug has been fixed and now people can search for the content on browser without any issue. This has been solved in the iOS 14.5 beta update and will work in all future updates.

Let’s find more about this issue in details below and see what really happened? How this is working at presently in the latest iOS update? Check out now!!

What was iOS Safari Asianbindermashable Bug?

Earlier if someone searched for something (if adult filter is on) that contained the word ‘ASIAN’, Apple safari filter would block it and you would get a message that said – “You can’t browse this page, because it’s banned.”

This filter was working fine, but an incident happened and some bunch of people started a campaign – Stop Asian Hate. This slogan spread in the city and it picked the heat on social media platforms FB, Insta, Twitter with hashtag #StopAsianHate.

But when Apple users searched for this on Safari then they were unable to catch any news about this campaign as it was containing ASIAN word.

So, this weird  issue was noticed by majority of public and Apple team considered it as a bug and they promised to all users they will fix it in the next update very soon.

iOS Safari Asianbindermashable

Is iOS Safari Asianbindermashable Bug Fixed?

YES, with the launch of iOS 14.5 beta version this issue has been solved and now anyone can browse this word (if adult filter is on) without any issue!

You can also try searching for “Asian food,” “Asian history,” “Asian Americans,” or even “local Asian market” in your Safari browser. If you have the latest iOS installed in your device then you can get the results without any restriction.

So guys that’s all about the iOS Safari Asianbindermashable Bug mystery!

I hope you got what you need. For more exclusive details keep visiting the iTechyPedia and don’t forget to share the iOS Asian word bug information with your friends on social media websites or forums.

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